You Know You Are A Beauty Blogger When…

Since becoming a beauty blogger, I have found myself doing certain things only other beauty bloggers can understand. I used to be your average makeup lover, but now, I am a full-on beauty junkie (you should see my makeup drawers. Yes, I said drawers, as in 6 and under my bathroom sink). I thought it would be fun to compile everything together that many of us beauty bloggers can relate to, and if not, it will make you laugh!

  • It’s impossible to walk through a drugstore or department store beauty counters without picking up a new lipstick
  • You find yourself trying on different lipsticks (resulting in red, irritated lips)
  • The thought of trying a new toner or moisturizer gets you out of bed in the morning
  • You start flipping through magazines for the makeup ads instead of the articles themselves
  • You have a beauty board on Pinterest (and spend way too much time pinning things to it)
  • You start running out of room to store your makeup
  • There is random makeup products swatched all over your hands by the time you leave Ulta or Sephora
  • News of new collection releases is the most exciting part of your week
  • You know how to contour a nose
  • The people working at your local beauty store know you by name
  • You can spend hours reading or watching makeup tutorials
  • You know MAC lipstick swatches by name
  • All your extra cash goes towards makeup purchases
  • It’s totally normal to wear a full face of makeup for a quick trip to Walmart or Target
  • You own 20 different lipsticks (in my case, I own more than 20)
  • You would rather spend the afternoon taking photos of different products for future blog posts instead of relaxing with a book or movie

What would your “you know you are a beauty blogger when” compilation list look like? Let me know in the comments below and until next time, stay happy, healthy and beautiful!


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