Getting Started on Your New Year’s Resolutions

You, like most of us, are thinking about New Year’s resolutions and since the new year is a few days away, it’s time to get those resolutions in order! So, whether you want to travel more, get a new job, or develop more self-care rituals in the new year, here’s how to get started on some of the most popular resolutions:

I Want a New Job - Think you deserve a promotion or want to change departments? Start by making a list of the things you want to accomplish professionally in 2019, then think about what you need to do to make it happen. If you like your company but not your job, who do you need to talk to? If you want to branch out into a new field, is there anyone who can offer advice? Write all these thoughts down before the new year, so that when January 1 hits, you already know what you need do.

I Want to Build Stronger Relationships - It’s harder to build strong relationships as you grow older, but it’s not impossible. Be intentional about who you choose to invest time in by making a list then add their contacts to your “favorites” list on your phone. It will serve as a reminder to reach out to them on a regular basis!

I Want More “Me” Time - Self-care rituals don’t have to be extravagant. Simply turn off your phone for 30 minutes, go for a walk around the block, or indulge in a bubble bath. Whatever it is, commit to doing something just for yourself at least once a week.

I Want to Lose Weight Losing weight is probably one of the most popular resolutions. When it comes to losing weight, write up a plan of how you will start. Try committing to 2-3 30-minute brisk walks a week (this can be broken down to 2 15-minute or 3 10-minute brisk walks per session) and making healthier food choices such as swapping water for soda, eating a bowl of oatmeal instead of a big bagel with cream cheese for breakfast or having a salad instead of potato chips with your sandwich for lunch. Don’t change everything all at once. Incorporating smaller changes into your weight loss plan will help you stick to this resolution. 

I Want to be Smarter with My Money - There’s no time like the present to start saving. Download a budgeting app like Mint to help you visualize where your money is going. All you need to do is connect your bank accounts and credit cards, and the app will do the rest!

I Want to Travel – Just like losing weight, travel is also a popular resolution. If you want to check more destinations off your travel bucket list, start by creating a realistic timeline of when you can take a vacation. Having a proposed date in mind will ensure you have a goal and a deadline to work toward, making it more likely to happen.

Whatever your resolutions are, these tips will help you put pen to paper and write up the goals you need to accomplish each of your new year’s resolutions and until next time, be happy, healthy and beautiful!


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